1 1 Sawtooth and the petticoats: Nombre uno

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nombre uno

I took three quarters of Spanish in college (they said it was like three years of high school Spanish -- I'm not sure how that math works out there). I swear to you, EVERY TIME WE TOOK A TEST I would look at the top of the page, where it looks like this

Nombre  ______________________

and I would think to myself "What number test IS this?!? I haven't been keeping track!"
and every time some fool would raise their hand and ask the teacher that exact question, and she would sigh and probably pray that la chupacabra would haunt us.

In related news, I went to Spain last year, and I successfully asked a man where the green line was. And I totally forgot about es/esta. And I yelled out to a woman "I'm sorry, I don't speak!" and then the elevator doors between us closed.


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